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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Midwives and OB's

So, I am switching from my OB Dr to a midwife. The funny thing is, I am doing it at the exact point in this pregnancy that I made the same switch with my first pregnancy. It might sound strange, but it has everything to do with IV's. I don't want one during labor, or ever, if I can help it. My dr said I had to not only have one throughout labor, but also after labor, I would have a pitocin drip to help my uterus contract. WHAT!?!? Ouch!! Anyway, I know all the reasoning behind it, but with Joseph's birth, I never had an IV and never was in danger of dehydration. Also, I only received a pitocin shot right after delivery, and my uterus contracted on it's own. It just seemed like some unnecessary precautions. Give me an IV if I get dehydrated, otherwise I am going to have to go pee every 15 minutes during labor while trying to manage the pain of the contractions. The whole point is that I know what kind of environment I need to be comfortable with labor and birth - which is different for every woman - but the dr didn't want to compromise on his standard procedures, which are in place for all the "what if's." I just want a small amount of control over the birth process of my next child. I know if things get to a point where it's safer for someone else to be in control, they can step in, but at least give me a chance to do what women have been doing without IV's and pitocin and stirrups for a VERY long time. I'm not quite ready to try it on my own at home, but having a midwife to support the labor process, rather than dictate it with chemical means, will be a welcome environment for me to welcome my next child into the world.
OK, I'm done ranting! I hope everyone is enjoying SPRING! It snowed here on Saturday, but it's 72 today! Gotta love Nebraska!

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