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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Possible Boy Names - Updated

Hey Everyone - Help us pick out our baby's first name. His middle name will be Everett, but here's our list of first names - give us some feedback! I've added the meanings and a few other comments and have eliminated some.
Andrew - "Man". "warrior", brother of Simon Peter in the Bible
Daniel - "God is my judge", also Biblical
Dallin - "Dweller in the valley"
Landon - "Long hill" - my brother Joshua's middle name, which he and Laura will use when they have their first child
Nathan or Nathaniel - "Gift of God"
Samuel - "His name is God", also Biblical
Shae - Gaelic for "supplanter", the same meaning as Jacob in Hebrew


Pamela said...

Landon jumped right out at me and even better that it's Joshua's middle name. Landon Everett Harwood is a cool name!!

joshberry1 said...

I like Landon as well, so much in fact that Laura are naming our first born (boy or girl) Landon. If you really like Landon you should name him that, but I thought I would let you know that we are going to name our child Landon whenever we decide to have children. Have you thought of names like Apple, Ziggy, or Sunflower-those are pretty cool.