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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Mark Twain

Mark Twain said, "The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why."
Jacob and I have been contemplating this quote as we have made big career decisions lately.  Jacob has discovered a career path that combines his ability to connect with others and his love for technology.  I have been at a crossroads of sorts where I need to decide between pursuing a musical future in education or an administrative one.  As I have spent time reflecting on these decisions, I am reminded of our most important role - our family role.  I am a daughter of God, a wife, and a mother.  These roles are why I was born.  I was born to be Jacob's wife, Joseph and Shae's mom, but also I was born to teach.  I was born to be a musician.  It is important to remember why we were born, but remember that there is always more than one reason!

A Return to Blogging

Yes, I fully realize that my previous blog post, over two years ago, lamented the fact that I had neglected my blog, so this may come across as an empty promise.  Recently, I have felt the pull to start blogging as a sort of journal.  So, here are the highlights of our family's life since November 2012.
December 2012 - I graduated Summa cum laude from Peru State College.  Shortly after, I severely sprained my ankle when I slipped on some black ice in a Wal-mart parking lot.  I was off my feet just long enough for my paperwork for my teaching license to be processed.
January 2013 - Joseph turned 7!  I began substitute teaching in Bellevue and Omaha and furiously submitting job applications.
February 2013 - Jacob had a birthday.  I kept substituting and applying.  I also planned to fly to Utah to attend a teaching career fair at BYU.
March 2013 - I flew to Utah and interviewed at Good Foundations Academy and interviewed with 4 other districts at the BYU career fair.  I stayed with Ashley and Cally Cason and was able to look at a few rental possibilities if my interviews were successful. I also had surgery to correct some abnormalities with my ovary.
April 2013 - Still applying for jobs, Jacob and I went to the temple.  I felt really optimistic that GFA would offer me a job, but we hadn't heard anything.  After attending the temple, we both felt that a job would be offered.  When we got home, I had received an e-mail that I had in fact, NOT been offered a position, but I was next on the list if anyone decided not to return.  I was devastated, but the witness I received in the temple carried me.  Two weeks later, I was offered a position at GFA to teach 3rd Grade!  Of course, I accepted!
May 2013 - We started making preparations to move and I applied to teach Summer School at Chandler View Elementary.  The principal offered me a position! Joseph finished 1st Grade at Wake Robin.
June 2013 - I taught summer school for 4 weeks and had a blast.  The principal wanted me to interview for a full-time position in the fall, but I had already signed my contract to teach in Utah. Josh and Laura had a baby boy!  I was so lucky to be able to see him at the hospital shortly after he was born.

July 2013 - We said goodbye to everyone in Bellevue and packed up our Budget truck.  The missionaries in our ward were so helpful.  One of the Elders had worked at FedEx and he fit all of our stuff in the truck like a tetris expert.  We started calling him Elder Tetris.  The Carey family also helped a ton!  I am grateful we were able to leave on good terms.  This move was so different from the move to Virginia.  I cried a lot when we moved to Virginia.  I cried a little for this move because I knew it was where we were supposed to go. One of the first places we visited was Temple Square. My parents came to Utah shortly after we arrived and we had a great visit!

August 2013 - We settled in to our new place and quickly became fast friends (again for Jacob) with Beth and Shae Cason and often hung out.  It was great to have immediate friends!  I started teaching towards the end of the month.  I was immediately impressed with all of my colleagues and loved the culture in the school.
September 2013 -  Shae turned 5! Teaching my first year while having Joseph at school proved to be too challenging, so we decided to pull Joseph out and try homeschooling.  It was difficult, but necessary.  A week later, I was in a car accident. :(
October 2013 - Jacob had some major issues with his medications and ended up in the ER.  It took a few weeks to get back on track, but he did lose his job because of it.
November 2013 - THANKSGIVING!
December 2013 - We had our first Christmas in Utah and it was a great time thanks to the generosity of friends.
January 2014 - Happy New Year!  Teaching is not easy! Joseph turned 8 and was baptized!  My parents came out from Nebraska and Pam's girls came up from Salt Lake, too.  It was a lovely time.  Beth gave a great talk about the Holy Ghost and gave Joseph a blanket.  Jacob baptized Joseph and my dad confirmed him.

February 2014 - Joseph and Shae were officially accepted as students at GFA and I was looking forward to having them at school with me in the fall. I successfully auditioned for the Chamber Orchestra Ogden!
March 2014-May 2014 - Life goes on . . .

June 2014 - I finished my first year of teaching and I was exhausted!
July 2014 - On a total whim, we looked at a townhome in Pleasant View.  We totally fell in love and they had an opening for the end of the month!  We moved!  My parents and Pam's family came to visit just before and after we had moved and celebrated birthdays.  We had all of my nieces over, too, and the boys loved seeing them! Jacob decided to begin attending the LDS Business College and complete a new degree program in Social Media Marketing!

August 2014 - We had a huge turnover at work and a lot of new teachers started this year.  I was anxious, but everyone was great. Joseph and Shae love attending GFA and hanging out in my classroom before and after school.  Both adapted quickly and are making friends.
September 2014 - Jacob started school and LOVES attending LDSBC.  Shae turned 6! I was given an award at school for demonstrating Respect.  It was humbling and I was quite shocked.
October 2014 - My second year of teaching was going much more smoothly than my first! We got a cat, too.  She's a siamese and we named her Maggie. Jacob and I also went to an Orchestra at Temple Square concert - just like our first date!

November 2014 - Thanksgiving was crazy!  We had Pam and all her girls in our house.  It was fun and the boys loved having more people to play hide-and-seek with.
December 2014 - Jacob and I made it through the first weeks of the month to get to our Christmas breaks.  We had a nice, quiet Christmas and it finally snowed!

January 2015 - Happy New Year!  Jacob finally stayed up until midnight for, I think, the first time since we got married.  Joseph turned 9! He had a Mario Kart themed party and a few friends came over to play games. I (finally) received a calling to play the piano in primary at our ward.  Jacob started his second semester at LDSBC.  Shae tested 2 grade levels ahead in reading and 1 grade level ahead in Math!  He is learning so much!  Joseph loves being in 3rd grade down the hall from me and is making excellent progress.

So, now that I've caught up on lots of stuff, what will I be blogging about?